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We have worked with many high profile Museums, Cathedrals, Heritage sites and others to produce bespoke jewellery collections inspired by their treasures. We have already developed a large Archive of designs from Byzantine to Braque, Celtic to Cocteau and Medieval to Munch.

We are proud to have been associated with:

 The Art Fund
The Atkinson
The Ashmoleon Museum
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery
The Bodleian Library
Boutique de Versailles
The Bronte Parsonage Museum
Burghley House
Brighton Pavillion
The British Library
The British Museum
Canterbury Cathedral
Chatsworth House The Chester Beatty Museum
The Courtauld Gallery
English Heritage
The Fitzwilliam Museum
The Giverny Foundation
Glamis Castle
Glasgow Museums
Glasgow School of Art
Hatfield House
The Hermitage Museum
Highgrove House
Historic Royal Palaces
Historic Scotland
The House of Commons
The House of Lords
Hungarian National Museum
Inverary Castle
John F Kennedy Centre DC
Kröller-Müller Museum
The Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
 The Lowry
Manchester Art Gallery
The Mary Rose Trust
The Museum of London
Museé du Louvre Lens
Museé de la Piscine
Museé Picasso
The National Gallery
The National Galleries of Scotland
The National Maritime Museum
The National Museums of Wales
The National Portrait Gallery
The National Trust
The National Trust for Scotland
The Natural History Museum The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Rockingham Castle
Rosenborg Castle, Denmark
The Royal Academy
The Royal Armouries
The Royal Botanic Gardens
The Royal Collections
The Royal Mint
The Royal Opera House
The Royal Observatory
The Royal Pavilion, Brighton
Scone Palace
Sheffield Galleries & Museums
The Smithsonian
St. Paul's Cathedral
Tate Britain
The V & A Museum
The Van Gogh Museum
Waddesdon Manor
The Wellcome Trust
Westminster Abbey
Winchester Cathedral


Although it is perfectly possible for us to produce good replicas, the area in which we excel is in designing inspirational product. 

It is often extremely difficult for Museums who wish to sell merchandise relevant to collections within the 70 year copyright rule but we have successfully designed jewellery inspired by modern artists by using our own unique approach and without infringing any copyright laws. 

If you are interested in developing a collection with us please get in touch using the contact form below.